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In Everglade Studio - The New Current

"Moment and Omisore are a remarkable duo who have forged a connection with Skye and Matilda that is inspired."

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In Everglade Studio - The Reviews Hub

"one has to admit the woman can sing"

Emily Moment In Everglade Studio

Santa Maria - Music Video Premiere - KLOF Magazine 

"She makes it a human story…with her emotive voice at the forefront, it’s a powerful, empathetic and moving song – the kind of song you can imagine Joan Baez singing, let’s hope this one reaches as many ears, it deserves to."

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In Everglade Studio - A Young(ish) Perspective

"Emily Moment portrays the slow descent from arrogant musician into something more sinister superbly well, through dirty looks, body language, and subtly barbed verbal jabs, there’s always a slight ambiguity to what’s going on in Skye’s head right up until the mask falls and shatters onto the ground"

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Santa Maria (Single) - Glide Magazine

"Glide is thrilled to premiere the achingly beautiful “Santa Maria” from Emily Moment. While reminiscent of many a spectral singer-songwriter including Emmylou Harris and Laura Marling, Moment creates a folk pop diamond that is destined to be a cult classic."

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Master of One - Single - The Bluegrass Situation

Song Premiere

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